Modulation Accuracy (Composite Rho)
Meas Setup

Sets a spectrum to either normal or inverted for demodulation related measurements. If set to INVert, the

upper and lower spectrums are swapped.

The Invert function conjugates the spectrum, which is equivalent to taking the negative of the quadrature

component in demodulation. The correct setting (Normal or Invert) depends on whether the signal at the

input of the instrument has a high or low side mix.


Accesses the menu that allows you to set the I/Q origin offset function, active channel identification

Example :RHO:RCON cdma2000
Restriction and Notes This key is available only if the Radio Device is MS. And if Radio Config is set to
IS95, it only supports the case that there is only 1 traffic channel or access channel.
Dependencies/Couplings If Radio Config is toggled to IS95, it will be dashed out for Pk CDE, Pk CDE Position,
Time Offset and Active Channels Number will be dashed out, and the view of Power,
Timing and Phase will be grayed out, and the limits of Peak Code Domain Error,
Timing Error, and Phase Error will be grayed out also.
If Radio Config is toggled to IS95, the trace of view1 and view2 is 4 samples/ chip,
which is required by HPSK.
Remote Command Notes This command is effective when [:SENSe]:RADio:DEVice is set to MS.
Preset cdma2000
State Saved Saved in instrument state.
Range cdma2000|IS95
Key Path Meas Setup, More 1 of 2
Mode cdma2000
Remote Command [:SENSe]:RHO:SPECtrum INVert|NORMal
Preset NORMal
State Saved Saved in instrument state.
Range Normal|Invert
Key Path Meas Setup, More 1 of 2