steps, the 1 dB resolution of the electronic attenuator only gives better resolution when the odd-decibel
steps are used. Those odd-decibel steps are less accurately calibrated than the even-decibel steps, so one
tradeoff for this superior relative accuracy is reduced absolute amplitude accuracy.
Another disadvantage of the electronic attenuator is that the spectrum analyzer loses its “Auto” setting,
making operation less convenient.
Also, the relationship between the dynamic range specifications (TOI, SHI, compression and noise) and
instrument performance are less well-known with the electrical attenuator. With the mechanical
attenuator, TOI, SHI and compression threshold levels increase dB-for-dB with increasing attenuation,
and the noise floor does as well. With the electronic attenuator, there is an excess attenuation of about 1
to 3 dB between 0 and 3.6 GHz, making the effective TOI, SHI, and so forth, less well known. Excess
attenuation is the actual attenuation relative to stated attenuation. Excess attenuation is accounted for in
the analyzer calibration
Elec Atten
Controls the Electronic Attenuator in dual attenuator configurations. This key does not appear in single
attenuator configurations, as the control of both the mechanical and electronic stages of the single
attenuator is integrated into the single Atten key.
Key Path: AMPTD Y Scale, Attenuation
Remote Command: [:SENSe]:POWer[:RF]:EATTenuation <rel_ampl>
Notes: Electronic Attenuation’s specification is defined only when Mechanical
Attenuation is 6 dB.
Dependencies: This key only appears in Dual Attenuator models with an Electronic
Attenuator installed. It does not appear in models with the Single Attenuator
configuration, as in the single attenuator configuration there is no “electronic
attenuator” there is only a single integrated attenuator (which has both a
mechanical and electronic stage). However, in the single attenuator
configuration, EATT SCPI commands are accepted for compatibility with
other X-series instruments and set a “soft” attenuation as described in
“Attenuator Configurations and Auto/Man” on page 854. The “soft”
attenuation is treated as an addition to the “main” attenuation value set by the
Atten softkey or the POW:ATT SCPI command and affects the total
attenuation displayed on the Attenuation key and the Meas Bar.
When Enable Elec Atten is off or grayed out, the Elec Atten key is grayed
Preset: 0 dB
State Saved: Saved in instrument state
Min: 0 dB