Peak Search
Turning the Peak Table on turns the Marker Table off and vice versa.
Peak Sort
Sets the peak table sorting routine to list the peaks in order of descending amplitude or ascending
frequency. The remote command can also be used to sort the peaks found using the
:CALCulate:DATA:PEAKs command.
Peak Readout
Shows up to twenty signal peaks as defined by the setting:
All (ALL) - lists all the peaks defined by the peak criteria, in the current sort setting.
Above Display Line (GTDLine) - lists the peaks that are greater than the defined display line, and that
meet the peak criteria. They are listed in the current sort order.
Below Display Line (LTDLine) - lists the peaks that are less than the defined display line, and that meet
Key Path Peak Search, Peak Table
Remote Command :CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:TABLe:STATe OFF|ON|0|1
Example CALC:MARK:PEAK:TABL:STAT ON Turns on and displays the peak table.
Dependencies When the Peak Table turns on, if Peak Threshold is On then it becomes the
active function.
Preset OFF
State Saved Saved in instrument state.
Initial S/W Revision Prior to A.02.00
Key Path Peak Search, Peak Table
Remote Command :CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:SORT FREQuency|AMPLitude
Example CALC:MARK:PEAK:SORT AMPL Sets sorting routine to list peaks in order
of descending amplitude.
Preset AMPLitude
Preset AMPLitude
State Saved Saved in instrument state.
Backwards Compatibility SCPI :TRACe:MATH:PEAK:SORT
Backwards Compatibility SCPI The old TRAC:MATH:PEAK:SORT command/query used in ESA is still
supported for backward compatibility.
Initial S/W Revision Prior to A.02.00