Meas Setup
In models with the high performance LO, Auto will choose:
Fast Tuning whenever Span > 44.44 MHz or RBW > 1.9 MHz
otherwise, if center frequency is < 195 kHz OR ALL of the following are true:
CF 1 MHz AND Span 1.3 MHz AND RBW 75 kHz
then Best Close in Phase Noise;
otherwise, Best Wide-offset Phase Noise
In models with the medium-performance LO, Auto will choose:
Fast Tuning whenever Span > 12.34 MHz or RBW > 250 kHz
otherwise, if center frequency is < 25 kHz OR ALL of the following are true:
CF >= 1 MHz AND Span <= 141.4 kHz AND RBW <= 5 kHz
then Best Close in Phase Noise;
otherwise, Best Wide-offset Phase Noise
In units whose hardware does not provide for an extra-fast tuning option, the settings for Fast Tuning are
the same as Best Close-in, so in those models you will see no difference between these settings.
These rules apply whether in swept spans, zero span, or FFT spans.
Best Close-in P Noise
The LO phase noise is optimized for smaller offsets from the carrier, at the expense of phase noise
farther out.
Key Path Meas Setup, PhNoise Opt
Remote Command [:SENSe]:FREQuency:SYNThesis:AUTO[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Preset ON
State Saved Saved in instrument state.
Initial S/W Revision Prior to A.02.00
Key Path Meas Setup, PhNoise Opt
Example FREQ:SYNT 1
Couplings offset <20 kHz
Readback Close-in.
If manually selected the “Man” is underlined. The actual frequency offset
within which noise is optimized is shown with in square brackets, as this can
vary depending on the hardware set in use. For example, in some test sets this
annotation appears as [offset <20 kHz]