Modulation Accuracy (Composite Rho)
Meas Setup
Peak EVM (Composite)Sets the limit for the composite peak EVM measurement pass/fail test.Rho (Composite)Sets the limit for the composite Rho measurement pass/fail test.
Remote Command :CALCulate:RHO:LIMit:RMS <real>
Example CALC:RHO:LIM:RMS 10.0
Preset 100.0
State Saved Saved in instrument state.
Min 0.00
Max 100.00
Key Path Meas Setup, Limits
Mode cdma2000
Remote Command :CALCulate:RHO:LIMit:PEAK <real>
Example CALC:RHO:LIM:PEAK 50.0
Preset 200.0
State Saved Saved in instrument state.
Min 0.0
Max 200.0
Key Path Meas Setup, Limits
Mode cdma2000
Remote Command :CALCulate:RHO:LIMit:RHO <real>
Example CALC:RHO:LIM:RHO 0.9
Restriction and Notes The default value of BTS is 0.912 and MS is 0,944.
Preset BS: 0.912
MS: 0.944