System Functions
This key corresponds to the Cancel selection in the dialog. It causes the current Save As request to be
cancelled. The ESC key does the same thing.
Edit Register Names
You may enter a custom name on any of the Register keys, to help you remember what you are using that
state to save. To do this, press the Edit Register Names key, choose the register whose name you wish
to edit, and then enter the desired label using the Alpha Editor or an external PC keyboard.
The maximum number of characters that can be added is 30. In most cases, 30 characters will fit on two
lines of the key.
See “More Information” on page 207
More Information
When you edit one of the register names, the time and date field will be replaced by the custom name.
If you delete all the characters in the custom name, it restores the default (time and date).
Key Path: Save, State
Mode: All
Notes: Brings up Save As dialog for saving a State Save Type
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Key Path: Save, State
Mode: All
Remote Command: :MMEMory:REGister:STATe:LABel <reg number>,”label”
:MMEMory:REGister:STATe:LABel? <reg number>
Example: :MMEM:REG:STAT:LAB 1,”my label”
Notes: <reg number> is an integer from 1 to 16. If the SCPI specifies an invalid
register number an error message is generated, –222,"Data out of
range;Invalid register label number"
“label” is a string from 0 to 30 characters in length. If a label exceeds 30
characters, an error message is generated, –150,“String data error;Label
clipped to 30 characters”
“label” of length 0 erases the custom label and restores the default (time and
date) label. E.g.: :MMEM:REG:STAT:LAB 1,””
Dependencies: N9060A–7FP or N9060B–2FP license required to edit the register names.
When the feature is not licensed, sending this command generates an error,
–221,"Settings conflict;Option not available"
Preset: The names are unaffected by Preset or power cycle but are set to the default
label (time and date) on a “Restore System Defaults->Misc”
Initial S/W Revision: A.11.00