Peak Search
signals with amplitude greater than the –90 dBm threshold. If a threshold value of –90 dBm is selected,
and Peak Excursion is On and set to 6 dB, the peak search algorithm will only consider signals with
amplitude greater than the –90 dBm threshold which rise 6 dB above the threshold and then fall back to
the threshold.
Pk Threshold Line On/Off
Turns the peak threshold line on or off. Preset state is off. No equivalent SCPI command.
See “More Information” on page 1111.
More Information
The Peak Threshold line is green and has the value of the peak threshold (for example, “–20.3 dBm”)
written above its right side, above the line itself. If Peak Excursion is ON it shows on the left side as a
region above the Peak Threshold line. As with all such lines (Display Line, Trigger Level line, et cetera)
it is drawn on top of all traces.
Key Path Peak Search, Peak Criteria, “Next Peak Criteria”
Remote Command :CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:THReshold <ampl>
:CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:THReshold:STATe OFF|ON|0|1
Example CALC:MARK:PEAK:THR:STAT ON turns on the threshold criterion.
CALC:MARK:PEAK:THR –60 dBm sets the threshold to –60 dBm.
Dependencies When Ref Level Offset changes, Peak Threshold must change by the same
Preset –90.0 dBm
State Saved Saved in instrument state.
Min The current displayed Ref Level – 200 dB. The current displayed Ref Level is
the current Ref Level, offset by the Ref Level Offset.
Max The current displayed Ref Level. This means the current Ref Level, offset by
the Ref Level Offset.
Default Unit depends on the current selected Y axis unit
Initial S/W Revision Prior to A.02.00
Dependencies If Peak Threshold is Off and the Peak Threshold line is turned on, it should
turn on Peak Threshold.
Initial S/W Revision Prior to A.02.00