Meas Setup
An empty array returns not a number (9.91e+37 to a data query), 0 to a POINts query.
Limit Line Upper / Lower (Remote Command Only, SCPI standard compatibility)
Defines a list of amplitude values for a given limit line. Changing the number of elements in the list
spectrum will automatically turn the limit line off. Using the “UPP” syntax defines an upper limit line,
using the “LOW” syntax defines a lower limit line. Note that a line may not be simultaneously both
upper and lower; the type of the limit line will automatically be changed as appropriate. Up to 200 points
may be defined for each limit using the following parameters.
<ampl>Amplitude values units default to dBm.
Range: –200 dBm to +100 dBm
The points query returns the number of points in the amplitude list. It will not be possible to turn on the
limit line unless the number of points in the control matches the number of points in the amplitude.
The points query returns the number of points in the amplitude list. It should match the number of points
in the control, that is, the number of values for the CONTrol axis and for the corresponding UPPer and/or
LOWer limit lines must be identical. If one array is larger than the other, the limit trace is built using only
as much data as is contained in the smaller array.
An empty array returns the system error “list is empty” to a data query, 0 to a POINts query.
Remote Command: :CALCulate:LIMit[1]|2|3|4|5|6:CONTrol[:DATA] <x>, <x>, …
Example: :CALC:LIM:CONT 1GHz,2GHz,2GHz,3GHz
describes the X values of a stair-stepped limit line.
Preset: Limit line data is cleared by Restore Mode Defaults.
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Initial S/W Revision: A.02.00
Remote Command: :CALCulate:LIMit[1]|2|3|4|5|6:CONTrol:POINts?
returns the number of points in the limit line.
Preset: Limit line data is cleared by Restore Mode Defaults.
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Initial S/W Revision: A.02.00
Remote Command: :CALCulate:LIMit[1]|2|3|4|5|6:UPPer[:DATA] <ampl>,
<ampl>, …
Example: :CALC:LIM:UPP –10, –10, –20, –20
describes the amplitude values of an upper limit line
Preset: Limit line data is cleared by Restore Mode Defaults.