System Functions
Licensing…Opens the license explorer.
For Help on this key, select Help in the menu bar at the top of the license explorer window.
Key Path: System
Notes: No equivalent remote command for this key.
Backwards Compatibility Notes: In ESA the SCPI command for displaying the Show Licenses screen is:
There are no equivalent SCPI commands in the X-Series for displaying the
License Explorer.
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Remote Command: :SYSTem:LKEY <”OptionInfo”>, <”LicenseInfo”>
Example: SYST:LKEY
Notes: The <”OptionInfo”> contains the feature and the version. You must specify
the feature but can omit the version. If you omit the version, the system
regards it as the latest one, since the system knows which version is supported
for each feature.
The <”LicenseInfo”> contains the signature, the expiration date, and serial
number for transport if transportable. You must specify the signature, but you
can omit the other information. If you omit the expiration date, the system
regards it as permanent. If you omit the serial number, the system regards it as
non-transportable. As a result, this supports reverse compatibility.
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Remote Command: :SYSTem:LKEY:DELete <”OptionInfo”>,<”LicenseInfo”>
Notes: The <”OptionInfo”> contains the feature and the version. You must specify
the feature but can omit the version. If you omit the version, the system
regards it as the latest one, if more than one version is installed.
The <”LicenseInfo”> contains the signature, the expiration date, and whether
or not be transportable. You must specify the signature, but you can omit the
other information. If you omit the expiration date, the system regards it as
permanent. If you omit the transportability, the system regards it as
non-transportable. As a result, this supports reverse compatibility.
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00