Q Range
Accesses the Q Range menu.
Q Same as I
Many, but not all, usages require the I and Q channels to have an identical setup. To simplify channel
setup, the Q Same as I will cause the Q channel range to be mirrored from the I channel. That way you
only need to set up one channel (the I channel). The I channel values are copied to the Q channel, so at
the time Q Same as I is Off, the I and Q channel setups will be identical.
Notes: The POWer form of the command is provided for convenience. It maps to the
same underlying gain range parameter as the VOLTage form of the command.
The Reference Z (not the I channel Input Z) is used to convert the power to
peak voltage, which is then used to set the I Range as with the VOLTage form
of the command. The power values of the 4 range states (1V Peak, 0.5V Peak,
0.25V Peak, and 0.125V Peak) will vary with Reference Z. Here are some
50Ω: 10, 4, –2, –8
75Ω: 8.2, 2.2, –3.8, –9.8
600Ω: –0.8, –6.8, –12.8, –18.9
Preset: 10.0 dBm
Range: –20 dBm to 10 dBm
Min: –20 dBm
Max: 10 dBm
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Key Path: AMPTD Y Scale, Range
Readback Text: Q Same as I | 1 V Peak | 0.5 V Peak | 0.25 V Peak | 0.125 V Peak
When Q Same as I is On, the readback is "Q Same as I", otherwise it is the Q
Range value.
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Key Path: AMPTD Y Scale, Range, Q Range
Remote Command: [:SENSe]:VOLTage|POWer:IQ:MIRRored OFF|ON|0|1
Example: Turn off the mirroring of I Range to Q Range.
Couplings: When On, the I Range value is mirrored (copied) to the Q Range.