Command Reference Guide Enable Mode Command Set
61200510L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 201
Usage Examples
The following is sample output from the show interfaces shdsl command:
#show interfaces shdsl 1/1
shdsl 1/1 is UP, line protocol is DOWN
Encapsulation FRAME-RELAY IETF (fr 1)
Equipment type is cpe
Line rate is 2056kbps
No alarms.
SHDSL training complete. EOC is up.
No local loopbacks, No remote loopbacks
SNR margin is 18dB currently, 15dB minimum, 30dB maximum
Loop attenuation is 1dB currently, 1dB minimum, 1dB maximum
Current 15-minute performance statistics (115 seconds elapsed):
0 code violations, 0 loss of sync word seconds
0 errored seconds, 0 severely errored seconds
0 unavailable seconds
Packet Statistics:
0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer
0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame
0 abort, 0 ignored, 0 overruns
32 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns
0 input clock glitches, 0 output clock glitches
0 carrier lost, 0 cts lost
Loop Attenuation Shows the current, minimum, and maximum loop attenuation of the line.
These may be cleared using the
clear counters shdsl
Performance Stats Shows current interval line statistics. These statistics may be cleared
through the use of the
clear counters shdsl
<slot/port> command, but the
number of elapsed seconds will continue running and accumulating time.
Functional Notes