Clears all network sessions for a single user or set of users. Specify a username, use the double-asterisk wildcard character (**) to specify all usernames, or use the single-asterisk wildcard character (*) to specify a set of usernames up to or following the first delimiter character—either an at sign (@) or a period (.). (For details, see “User Globs” on page 6.)

To clear all administrative Telnet sessions, type the following command:

DWS-1008#clear sessions telnet

This will terminate manager sessions, do you wish to continue? (yn) [n]y

To clear Telnet client session 0, type the following command:

DWS-1008#clear sessions telnet client 0

See Also:

• show sessions

clear sessions network

Clears all network sessions for a specified username or set of usernames, MAC address or set of MAC addresses, virtual LAN (VLAN) or set of VLANs, or session ID.

Syntax: clear sessions network {user user-glob mac-addr mac-addr-glob vlan vlan-glob session-id local-session-id}

user user-glob


Clears all network sessions for a MAC address. Specify a MAC address in


hexadecimal numbers separated by colons (:), or use the wildcard character


(*) to specify a set of MAC addresses. (For details, see “MAC Address Globs”


on page 7.)

vlan vlan-glob

Clears all network sessions on a single VLAN or a set of VLANs. Specify a


VLAN name, use the double-asterisk wildcard character (**) to specify all


VLAN names, or use the single-asterisk wildcard character (*) to specify a


set of VLAN names up to or following the first delimiter character, either an


at sign (@) or a period (.). (For details, see “VLAN Globs” on page 6.)


Clears the specified 802.1X network session. To find local session IDs, use


the show sessions command.

Defaults: None.


Access: Enabled.


Usage: The clear sessions network command clears network sessions by deauthenticating and, for wireless clients, disassociating them.

D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual


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D-Link dws-1008 manual Clear sessions network