auth-type {none md5 sha}

Specifies the authentication type used to authenticate

{auth-pass-phrase string

communications with the remote SNMP engine. You can

auth-key hex-string}

specify one of the following:


none—No authentication is used.


md5—Message-digest algorithm 5 is used.


sha—Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA) is used.


If the authentication type is md5 or sha, you can specify a


passphrase or a hexadecimal key.


• To specify a passphrase, use the auth-pass-phrase string


option. The string can be from 8 to 32 alphanumeric


characters long, with no spaces.


• To specify a key, use the auth-key hex-string option.

encrypt-type {none des

Specifies the encryption type used for SNMP traffic. You can

3des aes}

specify one of the following:

{encrypt-pass-phrase string

none—No encryption is used. This is the default.

encrypt-key hex-string}

des—Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption is




3des—Triple DES encryption is used.


aes—Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption is




If the encryption type is des, 3des, or aes, you can specify a


passphrase or a hexadecimal key.


• To specify a passphrase, use the encrypt-pass-phrase


string option. The string can be from 8 to 32 alphanumeric


characters long, with no spaces.


• To specify a key, use the encrypt-key hex-string option.

Defaults: No SNMPv3 users are configured by default. When you configure an SNMPv3 user, the default access is read-only, and the default authentication and encryption types are both none.

Access: Enabled.

Examples: The following command creates USM user snmpmgr1, associated with the local SNMP engine ID. This user can send traps to notification receivers.

DWS-1008# set snmp usm snmpmgr1 snmp-engine-id local success: change accepted.

The following command creates USM user securesnmpmgr1, which uses SHA authentication and 3DES encryption with passphrases. This user can send informs to the notification receiver that has engine ID

DWS-1008#set snmp usm securesnmpmgr1 snmp-engine-id ip auth- type sha auth-pass-phrase myauthpword encrypt-type 3des encrypt-pass-phrase mycryptpword

success: change accepted.

D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual


Page 117
Image 117
D-Link dws-1008 Auth-type none md5 sha, Auth-pass-phrase string, Auth-key hex-string, Encrypt-type none des, 3des aes