D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 356
Access: Enabled.
Usage: You must configure the service profile before you can map it to a radio profile. You can
map the same service profile to more than one radio profile.
You must disable all radios that use a radio profile before you can change parameters in the
profile. Use the set radio-profile mode command.
Examples: The following command maps service-profile wpa_clients to radio profile rp2:
DWS-1008# set radio-profile rp2 service-profile wpa_clients
success: change accepted.
set radio-profile wmm-powersave
Enables Unscheduled Automatic Powersave Delivery (U-APSD) on AP radios managed by the
radio profile. U-APSD enables WMM clients that use powersave mode to more efficiently request
buffered unicast packets from AP radios.
When U-APSD is enabled, a client can retrieve buffered unicast packets for a traffic priority
enabled for U-APSD by sending a QoS data or QoS-Null frame for that priority. U-APSD can be
enabled for individual traffic priorities, for individual clients, based on the client’s request. A client
enables U-APSD for a traffic priority by indicating this preference when (re)associating with the
AP radio.
A client can but is not required to request U-APSD for all four traffic priorities.