D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 56
show port-group
Displays port group information.
Syntax: show port-group [name group-name]
name group-name Displays information for the specified port group.
Defaults: None.
Access: All.
Examples: The following command displays the configuration of port group server2:
DWS-1008# show port-group name server2
Port group: server2 is up
Ports: 3, 5
The table below describes the fields in the show port-group output.
Field Description
Port group Name and state (enabled or disabled) of the port group.
Ports Ports contained in the port group.
See Also:
• clear port-group
• set port-group
show port mirror
Displays the port mirroring configuration.
Syntax: show port mirror
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Examples: The following command displays the port mirroring configuration on the switch:
DWS-1008# show port mirror
Port 1 is mirrored to port 2
If port mirroring is not configured, the message in the following example is displayed instead:
DWS-1008# show port mirror
No ports are mirrored