D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 325
set {ap | dap} name
Changes an AP name.
Syntax: set {ap port-list | dap dap-num} name name
ap port-list
dap dap-num
Defaults: The default name of a directly attached AP is based on the port number of the AP
access port attached to the AP. For example, the default name for an AP on AP access port 1 is
AP01. The default name of a Distributed AP is based on the number you assign to it when you
configure the connection. For example, the default name for Distributed AP 1 is DAP01.
Access: Enabled
Examples: The following command changes the name of the AP on port 1 to techpubs:
DWS-1008# set ap 1 name techpubs
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• show {ap | dap} config
List of ports connected to the AP access point to rename.
Number of a Distributed AP to rename.
Alphanumeric string of up to 16 characters, with no spaces.
set {ap | dap} radio antenna-location
Specifies the location (indoors or outdoors) of an external antenna. Use this command to ensure
that the proper set of channels is available on the radio. In some cases, the set of valid channels
for a radio differs depending on whether the antenna is located indoors or outdoors.
Syntax: set {ap port-list | dap dap-num} antenna-location {indoors | outdoors}
ap port-list
dap dap-num
List of ports connected to the AP access point to rename.
Number of a Distributed AP to rename.