D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 111
This command configures target 1 at IP address The target’s SNMP engine ID is
based on its address. The MSS SNMP engine will send notifications based on the default profile,
and will require the target to acknowledge receiving them.
The following command configures a notification target for unacknowledged notifications:
DWS-1008# set snmp notify target 2 v1 trap
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• clear snmp notify target
• set ip snmp server
• set snmp community
• set snmp notify profile
• set snmp protocol
• set snmp security
• set snmp usm
• show snmp notify target
set snmp protocol
Enables an SNMP protocol. MSS supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3.
Syntax: set snmp protocol {v1 | v2c | usm | all} {enable | disable}
v1 SNMPv1
v2c SNMPv2c
usm SNMPv3 (with the user security model)
all Enables all supported versions of SNMP.
enable Enables the specified SNMP version(s).
disable Disables the specified SNMP version(s).
Defaults: All SNMP versions are disabled by default.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: SNMP requires the switch’s system IP address to be set. SNMP will not work without
the system IP address. You also must enable the SNMP service using the set ip snmp server
Examples: The following command enables all SNMP versions:
DWS-1008# set snmp protocol all enable
success: change accepted.