D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 234
set radius client system-ip
Causes all RADIUS requests to be sourced from the IP address specified by the set system ip-address
command, providing a permanent source IP address for RADIUS packets sent from the switch.
Syntax: set radius client system-ip
Defaults: None. If you do not use this command, RADIUS packets leaving the switch have the
source IP address of the outbound interface, which can change as routing conditions change.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: The switch system IP address must be set before you use this command.
Examples: The following command sets the switch system IP address as the address of the
RADIUS client:
DWS-1008# set radius client system-ip
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• clear radius client system-ip
• set system ip-address
set radius proxy client
Adds a RADIUS proxy entry for a third-party AP. The proxy entry specifies the IP address of the
AP and the UDP ports on which the switch listens for RADIUS traffic from the AP.
Syntax: set radius proxy client address ip-address [acct-port acct-udp-port-number]
[port udp-port-number] key string
address ip-address IP address of the third-party AP. Enter the address in dotted decimal
port udp-port-number UDP port on which the switch listens for RADIUS access-requests
from the AP.
acct-port UDP port on which the switch listens for RADIUS stop-accounting
acct-udp-port-number records from the AP.
key string Password (shared secret key) the switch uses to authenticate and
encrypt RADIUS communication.
Defaults: The default UDP port number for access-requests is 1812. The default UDP port
number for stop-accounting records is 1813.