D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 20
set confirm
Enables or disables the display of confirmation messages for commands that
might have a large impact on the network.
Syntax: set confirm {on | off}
on Enables confirmation messages.
off Disables confirmation messages.
Defaults: Configuration messages are enabled.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: This command remains in effect for the duration of the session, until you
enter an exit or quit command, or until you enter another set confirm command.
MSS displays a message requiring confirmation when you enter certain
commands that can have a potentially large impact on the network. For example:
DWS-1008# clear vlan red
This may disrupt user connectivity. Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [n]
Examples: To turn off these confirmation messages, type the following command:
DWS-1008# set confirm off
success: Confirm state is off
set length
Defines the number of lines of CLI output to display between paging prompts.
MSS displays the set number of lines and waits for you to press any key to display
another set, or type q to quit the display.
Syntax: set length number-of-lines
Defaults: MSS displays 24 lines by default.
Access: All.
Number of lines of text to display between paging prompts.
You can specify from 0 to 512. The 0 value disables the
paging prompt action entirely.