D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 168
Traces the route to an IP host.
Syntax: traceroute host [dnf] [no-dns] [port port-num]
[queries num] [size size] [ttl hops] [wait ms]
host IP address, hostname, or alias of the destination host. Specify the IP
address in dotted decimal notation.
dnf Sets the Do Not Fragment bit in the ping packet to prevent the packet from
being fragmented.
no-dns Prevents MSS from performing a DNS lookup for each hop to the
destination host.
port port-num TCP port number listening for the traceroute probes.
queries num Number of probes per hop.
size size Probe packet size in bytes. You can specify from 40 through 1460.
ttl hops Maximum number of hops, which can be from 1 through 255.
wait ms Probe wait in milliseconds. You can specify from 1 through 100,000.
• dnf—Disabled
• no-dns—Disabled
• port—33434
• queries—3
• size—38
• ttl—30
• wait—5000
Access: All.
Usage: To stop a traceroute command that is in progress, press Ctrl+C.
Examples: The following example traces the route to host server1:
DWS-1008# traceroute server1
traceroute to server1.example.com (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1 engineering-1.example.com ( 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms
2 engineering-2.example.com ( 2 ms 3 ms 2 ms
3 gateway_a.example.com ( 6 ms 3 ms 3 ms
4 server1.example.com ( 3 ms * 2 ms