D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 162
show ntp
Displays NTP client information.
Syntax: show ntp
Defaults: None.
Access: All.
Examples: To display NTP information for a DWS-1008 switch, type the following command:
DWS-1008> show ntp
NTP client: enabled
Current update-interval: 20(secs)
Current time: Fri Feb 06 2004, 12:02:57
Timezone is set to ‘PST’, offset from UTC is -8:0 hours.
Summertime is enabled.
Last NTP update: Fri Feb 06 2004, 12:02:46
NTP Server Peer state Local State
---------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSPEER SYNCED
The table below describes the fields in this display.
Field Description
NTP client State of the NTP client. The state can be one of the following:
• Enabled
• Disabled
Current update-interval Number of seconds between queries sent by the switch to the NTP servers for updates.
Current time System time that was current on the switch when you pressed Enter after typing the
show ntp command.
Timezone Time zone configured on the switch. MSS offsets the time reported by the NTP server
based on the time zone.
Note: This field is displayed only if you change the time zone.
Summertime Summertime period configured on the switch. MSS offsets the system time +1 hour and
returns it to standard time for daylight savings time or a similar summertime period that
you set.
Note: This field is displayed only if you enable summertime.
Last NTP update Time when the switch received the most recent update from an NTP server.
NTP Server IP address of the NTP server.
Peer state State of the NTP session from the point of view of the NTP server:
Local state State of the NTP session from the point of view of the switch’s NTP client: