D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 42
reset port
Resets a port by toggling its link state and Power over Ethernet (PoE) state.
Syntax: reset port port-list
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: The reset command disables the port’s link and PoE (if applicable) for at least 1 second,
then reenables them. This behavior is useful for forcing an AP access point that is connected to
two DWS-1008 switches to reboot over the link to the other switch.
Examples: The following command resets port 5:
DWS-1008# reset port 5
See Also:
• set port
List of physical ports. MSS resets all the specified ports.
set dap
Configures a Distributed AP for an access point that is indirectly connected to the
DWS-1008 switch through an intermediate Layer 2 or Layer 3 network.
Note. Before configuring a Distributed AP, you must use the set system countrycode command
to set the IEEE 802.11 country-specific regulations on the DWS-1008 switch. See set system
Syntax: set dap dap-num serial-id serial-ID model {DWL-8220AP} [radiotype
{11a | 11b| 11g}]
serial id serial ID
Defaults: The default vales are the same as the defaults for the set port type ap command.
Number for the Distributed AP.
AP access point serial ID. The serial ID is listed on the AP case.
To display the serial ID using the CLI, use the show version
details command.
AP access point model.