D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 481
set security acl hit-sample-rate
Specifies the time interval, in seconds, at which the packet counter for each security ACL is
sampled for display. The counter counts the number of packets filtered by the security ACL—or
Syntax: set security acl hit-sample-rate seconds
seconds Number of seconds between samples. A sample rate of 0 (zero) disables the
sample process.
Defaults: By default, the hits are not sampled.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: To view counter results for a particular ACL, use the show security acl info acl-name
command. To view the hits for all security ACLs, use the show security acl hits command.
Examples: The first command sets MSS to sample ACL hits every 15 seconds. The second and
third commands display the results. The results show that 916 packets matching security acl_153
were sent since the ACL was mapped.
DWS-1008# set security acl hit-sample-rate 15
DWS-1008# show security acl info acl_153
ACL information for acl_153
set security acl ip acl_153 (hits #3 916)
1. permit IP source IP destination IP any enable-hits
DWS-1008# show security acl hits
ACL hit counters
Index Counter ACL-name
1 0 acl_2
2 0 acl_175
3 916 acl_153
See Also:
• show security acl hits
• show security acl info