D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 375
set service-profile rsn-ie
Enables the Robust Security Network (RSN) Information Element (IE).
The RSN IE advertises the RSN (sometimes called WPA2) authentication methods and cipher
suites supported by radios in the radio profile mapped to the service profile.
Syntax: set service-profile name rsn-ie {enable | disable}
Defaults: The RSN IE is disabled by default.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: When the RSN IE is enabled, the default authentication method is 802.1X. There is no
default cipher suite. You must enable the cipher suites you want the radios to support.
Examples: The following command enables the RSN IE in service profile sprsn:
DWS-1008# set service-profile sprsn rsn-ie enable
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• set service-profile auth-dot1x
• set service-profile auth-psk
• set service-profile cipher-ccmp
• set service-profile cipher-wep104
• set service-profile cipher-wep40
• show service-profile
Service profile name.
Enables the RSN IE.
Disables the RSN IE.