D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 292
Displays a list of the files in nonvolatile storage and temporary files.
Syntax: dir [subdirname] | [file:] | [core:] | [boot0:] | [boot1:]
subdirname Subdirectory name. If you specify a subdirectory name, the
command lists the files in that subdirectory. Otherwise, the
command lists the files in the root directory and also lists the
file: Limits dir output to the contents of the user files area
core: Limits dir output to the contents of the /tmp/core
boot0: Limits dir output to the contents of the boot0 partition
boot1: Limits dir output to the contents of the boot1 partition
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Examples: The following command displays the files in the root directory:
DWS-1008# dir
Filename Size Created
file:configuration 48 KB Jul 12 2005, 15:02:32
file:corp2:corp2cnfig 17 KB Mar 14 2005, 22:20:04
corp_a/ 512 bytes May 21 2004, 19:15:48
file:dangcfg 14 KB Mar 14 2005, 22:20:04
old/ 512 bytes May 16 2004, 17:23:44
file:pubsconfig-april062005 40 KB May 09 2005, 21:08:30
file:sysa_bak 12 KB Mar 15 2005, 19:18:44
file:testback 28 KB Apr 19 2005, 16:37:18
Total: 159 Kbytes used, 207663 Kbytes free
Filename Size Created
boot0:mx040100.020 9780 KB Aug 23 2005, 15:54:08
*boot1:mx040100.020 9796 KB Aug 28 2005, 21:09:56
Boot0: Total: 9780 Kbytes used, 2460 Kbytes free
Boot1: Total: 9796 Kbytes used, 2464 Kbytes free
temporary files:
Filename Size Created