D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 519
Defaults: The DHCP option is disabled by default.
Access: Boot prompt.
Examples: The following command displays the current setting of the DHCP option:
boot> dhcp
DHCP is currently enabled.
The following command disables the DHCP option:
boot> dhcp
DHCP is currently disabled.
See Also:
• boot
Accesses the diagnostic mode.
Syntax: diag
Defaults: The diagnostic mode is disabled by default.
Access: Boot prompt.
Usage: Access to the diagnostic mode requires a password, which is not user configurable. Use
this mode only if advised to do so by D-Link.
Displays the boot code and system image files on a DWS-1008 switch.
Syntax: dir [c: | d: | e: | f: | boot0 | boot1]
c: Nonvolatile storage area containing boot partition 0 (primary).
d: Nonvolatile storage area containing boot partition 1 (secondary).
e: Primary partition of the flash card in the flash card slot.
f: Secondary partition of the flash card in the flash card slot.
boot0 Boot partition 0.
boot1 Boot partition 1.