D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 156
Field Description
Lease Remaining Number of seconds remaining before the address lease expires.
IP Address IP address leased to the client.
Subnet Mask Network mask of the IP address leased to the client.
Default Router Default router IP address included in the DHCP Offer to the client.
DNS Servers DNS server IP address(es) included in the DHCP Offer to the client.
DNS Domain Name Default DNS domain name included in the DHCP Offer to the client.
show interface
Displays the IP interfaces configured on the switch.
Syntax: show interface [vlan-id]
vlan-id VLAN name or number.
Defaults: If you do not specify a VLAN ID, interfaces for all VLANs are displayed.
Access: All
Usage: The IP interface table flags an address assigned by a DHCP server with an asterisk (*).
Examples: The following command displays all the IP interfaces configured on a switch:
DWS-1008# show interface
VLAN Name Address Mask Enabled State RIB
1 default YES Up ipv4
2 mauve NO Down ipv4
4 corpvlan * YES Up ipv4
The table below describes the fields in this display.
Field Description
VLAN VLAN number.
Name VLAN name.
Address IP address.
Mask Subnet mask.
Administrative state:
• YES (enabled)
• NO (disabled)
Link state:
• Up (operational)
• Down (unavailable)
RIB Routing Information Base