Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 4 Managing Chassis
IP Routing Status

LC Status

This area displa ys the s tatus of all the Lin e cards fo r the sele cted chas sis. It d isplay s a table th at lists the
potential sl ot n umb ers a nd the cor respon di ng sup por ted redu nda ncy mode .
Note Th e slots ident ified by the slot numbers in the ta ble, may not co ntain an RP or CSC or SFC.
Slot NoDisplays the sl ot number of the available modu les of the cha ssis.
RPR ModeDisplays the redundancy mode of the slot identified by the slot number.

IP Routing Status

IP rout ing i s the proc ess of m oving pa ckets fr om on e net work to an ot her an d delivering the p ackets t o
the hosts. Classle ss In ter-domain Ro uti ng (CID R) is a m ethod sup por ted by classless rou tin g prot ocol s
such as OSPF and BGP4. This is based on the concept of ignoring the IP class of the address permitting
route ag gregati on and VLS M that enabl es the rou ter s to comb in e the rout es in ord er to min imi ze the
routin g in for mat ion that ne ed s to be conveyed by the prim ary r out ers. I t a llows a gr oup o f IP net works
to appear to other networks as a unified and larger entity.
The IP Rou ting Sta tus d i alog disp lays the n umb er of C IDR rou tes and d eta ils of t he r oute s c on figured
for the selected chassis. The user can use this information available in the IP Routing Status dialog to
view and debug problem s related t o network CIDR routes.
An IP r out ing ent ry i n the device ca n be c on figured using the fo llowing com ma nd se que nce :
Router Prompt > configure terminal
ip route <Destination prefix> <Destination prefix mask> <Forwarding Router’s Address>
The IP rou ting entr ies can be viewed using the co mman d:
Router Prompt > show ip route
The Cisco 12000/10720 Router Manager uses the IP-FOR WARD-MIB to populate the IP Routing Status
dialog fields.
The IP Routing Status section covers the following areas:
Viewing the IP Routing Status window
IP Routing Status WindowDetailed Description

Viewing the IP Routing Status window

To view the Ip Routing Status window for a chassis, proceed as follows:
Step 1 Right click on the chassis object and select the Cisco 12000/10720 Manager>Fault>IP Routing Status
option. See Table 4-1 on page 4 -2 for infor matio n on whic h objec ts allow you to launch the IP Rout ing
Status window.