Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status
Vir Interface EventsThe number of state changes or error events on this virtual link.
Vir Interface StatusDisplays the validity or invalidity of the entry. Setting it to 'invalid' has the effect
of render ing it inop erat ive.


The Neigh bor tab di splays two areas: Ne ighbor and Virtua l Neighbor.


Neighbor I P A ddre ss The IP address of this Neighbor.
Addressless InterfaceDif ferentiates the addr essless interfaces from the addressed interfa ces. When the
value is set to zero, it signifies that the interface has an IP address.
Neighbor Ro ute r ID Uniq ue i dent ifier of the ne ighbo ri ng ro ut er i n t he A uton om ous Syste m.
Neighbor OptionsA bit mask cor respon ding to the ne ighbor' s options field. W hen the value is set to
0, it indicates th at the a rea acc epts and operates on e xtern al inform ation. I f the values is zer o, it sign if ies
a stub area. When the v alue is set to 1, it indicate s that the system operates on the type of service metric s
other than TOS 0. If the value is zero, the neighbor ignores all the metrics ex cept the TOS 0 metric.
Neighbor P rioritySig nif ies the prio rity of this n eighbor in the desig nated route r. When the v alue is se t
to 0, it signifies that the neighbor is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular
Neighbor St ateThe state of the relationship with this Neighbor.
Neighbor EventsThe numbe r of times this neighbo r relationsh ip has chan ged stat e, or an error has
Neighbor LS Retransmit Q LenThe current lengt h of the ret ransmis sion queue .
NBMA Neighbor StatusDisplays the validity or invalidity of the entry. Setting it to 'invalid' has the
effect of rend eri ng it inop erative.

Virtua l Neighbor

Vir Nbr AreaThe identifier of the Transit Area.
Vir Nbr Router IDAn integer t hat uniqu ely id ent ifies th e ne ighbo ri ng rout er i n the Aut o nomous
Vir Nbr IPAddrThe IP address that is used by this Virt ual Nei ghbor.
Vir Nbr OptionsA bit map correspon di ng to th e neighb or' s opti ons field. Thus , Bi t 1, if set, indi cat es
that th e ne igh bor suppor ts Type of Servi ce Rou tin g; if z ero, no met rics ot her than TOS 0 a re i n use by
the nei ghbor.
Vir Nbr StateThe state of t he Virtual Ne ighbo r Re lationsh ip .
Vir Nbr EventsThe num be r of t ime s t his vi rtua l l ink ha s ch an ged i ts s ta te, o r an e rr or has o ccu rre d.
Vir Nbr LS Retransmit Q LenThe curren t length of the retransm ission queue .