Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 3 Getting S tar ted Deployment
You can al so deploy eit her of the fo llowing logica l objec ts:
SVCSee Deploying an SVC Object section on page 12-2 2
PVCSee Deploying a PVC Obje ct section on page 12-18
VLAN Domain, VLAN and VLAN sub-interfaceSee Deploying VLA N objects sec tion on
page 13-4
Tip WRED (Weighted Ran dom Earl y Detection) and CAR (Comm itted Access Rat e) objects
are not created using the deployment wizard. For details on creating these objects manually ,
see Chapter 11, Layer 3 QoS.
The Deployment section covers the following areas:
Deployment Process Outline
Manuall y Dep loying a Ge ne ric Si te Obj ect
IP Auto Discovery of the Cisco Chassis
Manuall y Dep loying a C isco 12000/ 1 0720 C has sis
Commission ing an d Subc hassi s Discovery
Manuall y Deploying ModulesI nc lude s dep loying line ca rds for 1 200 0 Seri es rout er chas sis
and10720 c hassi s

Deployment Process Outline

Produci ng a mana geab le Cisco 12 000/1 072 0 Route r chassi s in Cisco EMF is a thre e-st age pr oc ess (see
Figure 3-4).