Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Management
VRF Fault Management

Routes Tab

The R out es tab (s ee Figure 16-15) displays the route table information for VRFs in a single VRF Routes
Figure 16-15 VPN Status Windo wRoutes Tab

VRF Routes

The VRF Routes area displays a table with the following information:
VRFName of the VRF which is responsible for this route.
Associated Interface NameName of the interface to which the VRF is associated.
DestinationThe destination IP address of this route.
Subnet Ma skThe subnet mask of the Destination IP address.
Next HopOn remote routes, t he addre ss of the next system or route.
Route TosThe IP TOS Field is used to specify the policy to be applied to this route.
Dest Addr TypeT he a ddress t ype of the desti natio n I P add ress.
Mask Addr Ty peT he a ddre ss ty pe of t he s ubne t m ask.
Next Hop Addr TypeT he address t ype of the Next Hop Ad dress.
Route TypeThe type of route.
Route ProtoThe ro ut i n g mechan i s m via whi c h thi s r o ute was learned. I n cl u s io n of values f or gateway
routing pro tocols is not intended to imply that hosts should support th ose protocol s.