Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 8 Interface Configuration IP Configuration

HSRP Param ete rs

The HSRP Pa rame ter s a rea cont ai ns th e foll owing fields:
Group NumberGroup number on the interf ac e for wh ich HSRP is be ing a ctivat ed. The def ault is z ero.
Standby Priority Enable or disable the priority for the HSRP interface. Possible values are as follows:
EnabledW hen the current interface fails, it automatically switches to the standby interface.
DisabledWhen the current interface fails, it does not switch to a standby interface.
Standby AuthenticationEnable or disable the standby authentication string. Options available are:
EnabledC hecks for an authentication string set and allows you to configure the interface on
presenc e of the s et s tri ng.
DisabledDoes not check for an authentication string.
Standby Hello Time(in seconds ) C an be an int eger f rom 1 to 255 . The de fault is 3 se c onds.
Standby PreemptStandby router waits for the set time and takes over as active router if the current
router fails or doe s not respon d to t he p ackets se nt.
IP Addre ssI P addr ess of the hot sta nd by router i nterfac e.
PriorityPriority value that prioritizes a potential hot standby router. The range is 1 to 255; the default
is 100.
Authentication StringServes as a check to avoid any damage to the interface. It can be up to eight
char acte rs in le ngth.
Standby Hold TimeThe time in seconds before the active or standby router is declared to be down.
This i s a n i nteger from 1 to 255. T he d efa ult i s 1 0 secon ds.

IP Configuration

The IP Con figurat ion w ind ow allows you to c onfigure ge neric I P field s ( for exa mple , IP ad dre ss, a nd
interface state).
The IP Configuration section covers the following areas:
Viewing the IP Configurati on Window
Configuring an IP Interface
IP Configuration WindowDetailed Description