Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 4 Managing Chassis
TCP Status
IP TOSThe Policy specifier applied to the route. The IP TOS with 0 indicates default path if no
specific policy applies.
Routing TypeThe type of the rou te. The possible values of the Rout ing Type field are othe r, rej ect,
local, remote.
Route InfoReference to the MIB definitions sp ecific to the particular routing protocol which is
responsi ble fo r th is r oute .
Next Hop ASThe A uto nom ous System Nu mber of the Next h op. I f th is Fi eld is N o t re levant to the
route then value will be 0.
Route AgeThe n umb er o f s econd s si nce thi s ro ute was last upd at ed or othe rwi se de te rmin ed to be
corr ec t.
Metric1The Primary Routing metric for this route. If this metric is not used, its value will be -1.
Metric2An alternate routing metric fo r this route. If this metric is not used, its value will be -1.
Metric3An alternate routing metric fo r this route. If this metric is not used, its value will be -1.
Metric4An alternate routing metric fo r this route. If this metric is not used, its value will be -1.
Metric5An alternate routing metric fo r this route. If this metric is not used, its value will be -1.

TCP Status

TCP is a connec tion-orien ted, reliabl e prot ocol that is def ined at the T ran sport layer of the OSI reference
model. TCP is responsible for breaking messages into segments, reassembling them at the destination
station , and resend ing anything t hat is not received.
The TCP Stat us di alo g gives complete i nfor matio n on the TCP se ssion s available on the device. I t al so
give s a det aile d descr ipt ion of the TCP c ou nter s. Th e di al og is a lso u pda ted whe never a new TCP
connection is established on the device. The network engineer can view the existing TCP connection and
use this information to debug the problem s in the networ k.
The TC P connect ions can be viewed using the fo llowing com mands:
show tcp brief
show tcp
The Cisc o 12000/107 20 Router Man ager uses the T CP-MIB to pop ulate the TCP St atus dialo g fields.
The TCP Status section covers the following areas:
Viewing t he T CP Status Window
TCP Status WindowDetailed Description