Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 10 Interface Perfo rm ance SRP Performanc e

Interface Tab

The Interface tab displays three areas: Counters for last x seconds, Utilization and Data Traffic
Counters for last x seconds
Ti me E la p se dIndicates the number of seconds which have elapsed in the current interval. The Time
Elapsed value ranges between 0 to 900. When this value is 0, all the counters in the dialog are of value
0. For example, when the value of Time Elapse d is 100 sec , all the counters di splayed in this dialog are
calculated using the traffic in the last 100 seconds.
Bandwidth UtilizationThe percentage b andwidth of th e interface utilized in the specified time. For
example, when the bandwidth utilization is 60, it means that the interface is utilized at 60% on average
in the last Time Elapsed s econds.
Data Traff ic
The Data Traffic area has two panes: bits/sec and Packets/sec.
The bits/sec area has the following attributes:
T ra nsit T raffic The rate of traffic passing through this node b ut not meant for this node. The displayed
va lue is in bits/sec, the traffic in the last Time Elapsed seconds is considered for calculation.
Node Traf ficThe rate of traffic rea ched to/goi ng from th is host. Th e di splay ed value is in bits/sec , the
traffic in the last Time Elapsed second s is considered for calculation.
Node Transmit TrafficThe rate of traffi c tr ansmi tted by this node into the r in g . Th e disp lay ed value is
in bits/sec, the traffic in the last Time Elapsed seconds is considered for calculation.
Node Receive TrafficThe rate of traffic received b y this node from the ring . The display ed value is in
bits/sec, the traffic in the last Time Elapsed seconds is considered for calculation.
The Packets/sec area has the following attributes,
Transit TrafficThe rate of tr affic passing thr oug h this no de but n ot m eant for t his nod e. Displ aye d
va lue is in Packets/sec, the traffic in the last Time Elapsed seconds is considered for calculation.
Node Traf ficThe rate of traffi c reached to/going from this host. The displayed value is in Packets/sec,
the traffic in the last Time Elapsed seconds is considered for calculation.
Node Transmit TrafficThe rate of traffi c tr ansmi tted by this node into the r in g . Th e disp lay ed value is
in Packets/sec, the traffic in the last Time Elapsed second s is co nsidered for calculation.
Node Receive TrafficThe rate of traffic received b y this node from the ring . The display ed value is in
Packets/sec, the traffic in the las t Time Elapsed seconds is considered fo r calculation.