Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 10 Interface Perfo rm ance Generic Interface Performance

Performa nce Logging

The perf ormance Logging are a displays Start an d Stop buttons.
StartClick Star t to begin performa nce logg ing for the selected interface .
StopClick St op t o stop perf orm a nce loggi ng for th e se lect ed i nte rface .
Note The VLAN sub-interfa ces do not support the fiel ds, In Bits/sec, In Packets/sec, Out Bits/sec,
Out Packe ts/ sec, displayed in the Packets/Octe ts Statis tics area in the Performance (1) tab.

Performance (2) Tab

The Performance (2) tab (see Figure 10-2) displays a single Error Statistics area.

Error Statistics

The Error Statistics area displays the following fields:
RuntsNu mber of packets input which were smaller than the physical media permitted.
GiantsNumber of inpu t pac kets whi ch w ere la rger than t he p hysi cal me dia pe rm itte d.
CollisionsNumber of output collisions detected on this interface.
Aborted PacketsNu mber of in put packet s which we re abort ed.
Ignored PacketsNumber of input packets which were ignored by the interface.
Overrun Pa ckets D isplays th e number of inpu t packets tha t arrived too quickl y for the ha rdware to
Misaligned PacketsNu mber of in put p ac kets whic h w ere misa li gned.
In Erro re d PacketsNu mbe r of i nboun d p ac kets th at con t aine d er ro rs.
In Discarded PacketsNumber of inbo und packets chose n to be discar ded even though no errors we re
In Packets DroppedNumber of packets dropped because the input queue was full.
Out Errored PacketsNumber of ou tbound pa ckets that coul d not be trans mitted be caus e of errors.
Out Discarded P acketsNumber of outbound packets chosen to be discarded even though no errors were
Out Pa ckets Drop pe dN umber of packets dro pped beca use the out put queu e was full.
CRC Errore d PacketsNumbe r of input packets which ha d cyclic redundan cy checksum e rrors.
Note Th e VLAN su b-int erfa ces d o not s uppo rt th e fields di splaye d in t he Pe rf orma nce (2) ta b.