Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 3 Getting S tar ted Starting Cisco EMF and Cisco 12000/10720 Router Manager

Notification Profiles

An importa nt aspect of a mon itor ing sy stem whic h cap ture s an d r eac ts to events o n the netw o r k is wh en
and h ow a network operator is informed of these events. T he Event Manager uses notifications for this.
For example, when the temperatur e of a line card rises 1 0 d egrees ab ove n or ma l an e-mail might be sent
to the netwo rk oper ator warnin g of a potent ial probl em and a mi nor event might be genera ted if the
temperature d oes not fall to within ten degrees of normal within twenty minutes.
Notif ication prof iles are collections of notificat ions. Each notif ication p rofile has a name and d escription
and ca n be a cce ssed by al l Event M anage r use rs. Ea ch inc lude s a list of noti fications, and i s r un
following a trigger, wh ich could be an event entering an event group, or a threshold breach in a
thresholding regime. For exam ple, when the first event is received by an event group a notification
profile may b e tri ggere d whi ch c au ses a sound t o occu r w hic h a lerts t he op er ator. As wel l a s aud ib le
alerts, a notif icat ion could be set up to disp lay on scree n, or to trig ger an e xter nal notif ica tion such as an
Refer to the Cisco Eleme nt Management Framework User Gu ide Rele ase 3.2 for further details on the
Notification Profiles application.

Thresholding Regimes

A Thresho lding Reg ime is a set of threshold conditions for specified object attributes which, when
breach ed , cause s one o r mor e not ificati on pro files to be r un. T he T hr esh olding Regi me d efines wh ich
attributes shoul d be polled and on what period, an d defines the thresho lding co nditions . The
Threshol din g Regime speci fies objec t grou ps whi ch con tai n the obje cts w hos e attr ibutes will be pol led .
Refer to the Cisco Eleme nt Management Framework User Gu ide Rele ase 3.2 for further details on the
Threshol din g R egimes a pplica tion.

Event Groups

Event Grou ps allows you to organize network elemen ts into event groups, and also view the status of
these gro ups as scoreb oards. Users can cr eate, de lete and mo dify event groups and score boards. Event
groups a re available to all users.
Event gro ups can be a ny co mbin ati on of o bj ects der ived from t he m a naged o bjec t c las s. Thes e g rou ps
are se t up usi ng q ue rie s whi ch c an be configur ed t o ma tc h y our r eq uire ment s. For exam ple, y ou coul d
choose to moni tor a p artic ula r device, spec ify a tim e peri od, an d c ho ose t o look a t events w hic h are
warnin gs or cr itic al. You defin e a q uery so th at the event grou p only in clud es the events which meet the
criteria you define. As soon as the group is created it star ts monitoring against the criteria specified in
the event query setup. Event groups created in the Event Groups application are persistent, they are n ot
cleared when the application is closed.
The Event Groups application also enables you to view the events associated with an event group in a
scoreboa rd format. This displays the overall status of the event group as a pie chart, with the associat ed
se verity color coding. A scoreboard also shows the total number of events which hav e entered the event
group and t he highest severity of the events in the group. A n icon is displ ayed whe n a running
notification has bee n set up for the event group.
Event Groups is ope ned from the Launchpa d.
Refer to the Cisco Eleme nt Management Framework User Gu ide Rele ase 3.2 for further details on the
Event Groups application.