Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 12 Managing ATM Connecti ons SVC Configuration

SVC P a rameters

The SVC Parameters area allows you to configure the following fields:
NSAP Address (Network Service Access Point)ATM add ress y ou need t o provi de i f you a re
configuring an SVC.

VC Pa rameter s

The VC Parameters area allows you to configure the following fields:
AAL5 EncapsulationConfigure the ATM adaptation layer (AAL) 5 encapsulation type.
Sub Interfa ce Nu mberThe n umber o f sub-in ter faces und er whi ch you c an c onfigure t he SV Cs
Destination IP AddressEnter the IP address of the destination interface to which you want to pass
BroadcastClick on if you want to send dupl icate br oadcast pac kets for all protocols con figured on a
Idle TimeoutSpecify an interval of inactivity after which any idle SVC on an interface is torn down.
Minimum RateIn addition to configuring the interval of inactivity, you can optionally specify the
minimum rate in kilobits per second (Kbps). This is the minimum traffic rate required on an ATM SVC
to maintain the conn ection.

OAM Parameters

The OAM Parameters area allows you to configure the following fields:
ManageIf this value is set to ye s, then the value in frequency will be considered.
FrequencySpe cify th e freq ue ncy ( in se conds ) t h at end -to- en d OAM loopba ck ce lls sho uld be
transmitted when a change in up or down state is being verified.
Retry Down CountSpec ify the number of consecut ive end-to -end OAM loopback c ell respons es that
are not received in order to tear down a PVC.
Retry Up CountSpecify the number of consecutive end-to-end OAM loopback cell responses that must
be rec eived in orde r to ch an ge a PVC co nne cti on sta te to u p.
Retry Freque ncyIf a PVC is up and a loopback cell response is not received after the specified
freq uency attribute, then loopback cells are sen t at the retry frequency to verify whether or not the PVC
is down.
The Action area contains three buttons:
ConnectAllow s you to connect the selected SVC, creating the connection on the device, making it real
and ac tive .
DisconnectAllows you to disconne ct the se lected SVC, di sconnec ting the connecti on on the device,
making it inactive.
DecommissionAllows you to decom mission the selecte d SVC.