Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 5 Managing Modules
Module Pe rformance

Viewing the Module Performance Window

Note The Modul e performance window can be launched from the cha ssis level. Please note that th is window
cannot be launched from the module level.
To view the Mo dul e Pe rf orma nc e wi n dow, pro ce ed a s f ol lows:
Step 1 Right clic k on the chas sis objec t and select the Performance>Module>Performance option. See
Table 5-2 on p age 5-2 f or info rmat ion on whic h o bject s al low you to la unch t he M odu le Per for manc e
window. The Module Performance window appears, with the Performance tab displayed.
Figure 5-5 Module Performance Window
Step 2 Choose a Chassis and Module(s) from the list boxes displayed at the left of the window. The
perform ance in forma tio n for th e s ele cte d GR P m odule is displ aye d.

Starting or Stopping Performance Logging

Performance logging allows performance information to be collected for a selected module. This
historic al info rm ati on can the n be vi ewed us in g th e Cisco EM F Pe rfo rm ance M ana ger app l icat ion.
Chapter 20, Perfo rmanc e Ma nage ment and H istori cal Da ta, provides furthe r informat ion on how to
use the Perfor mance M anager applicat ion.