Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 14 Routing
OSPF Status
Rece ived New LSA Cou ntThe number of link-state advertisements received determined to be new
instant iations. This number doe s not include newer insta ntiations of self-origina ted link -state
AS Borde r Rout erA flag to indicate whether this router is an Autonomous System Border router.
Area Border RouterA flag to indicate whether this router is an area border router.
Exte r nalL S A C h ec ksu mLS checksums of the external link-state advertisements contained in the
link-state database. This sum can be used to determine if there has been a change in a router's link state
database , a nd to c ompa re t he l ink -state da tabase of two rout ers.

Process Information

Process I nform ati on tab d is play s two area s: Proc es s Sum mary and N etwork Deta ils.

Process Summ ar y

This table lists all processes that exist on the device. This includes its Router id, number of areas
configured , numbe r of norma l a re as, nu mbe r of st ub a re as, an d n umb er of n ssa a reas.
Process IdUniqu e identifier for a OSPF Process.
Router Id Unique identifier of the router in the AS.
Domain IdDomain Identifier, will be set when VRF is associated with this OSPF Process.
No. of Areas ConfiguredDisplays the count of total number of areas conf igured on this OSPF Pr ocess.
Normal Ar ea sDisplays the count of total number of "N ormal" areas c onf igured on this OSPF Process.
Stub AreasDisplays the count of total number of "Stub" areas configured on this OSPF Process.
Nssa AreasDisplays the count of total number of "nssa" areas configured on this OSPF Process.

Network Det ails

This table lists the networks configured on OSPF processes and also VRF/VPN instance associated with
the OSPF process (if any). This includes associated VPN/ VRF Instance (if any), Network entries
(Netwo rk nu mber, N/w Mask , Are a id).
Process IdUniqu e identifier for a OSPF Process.
N/W IP AddressNetwork IP Add res s
Subnet Ma skSubnet M ask
Area IdArea I D on w hic h thi s pr oces s i s c on figured.
VRF AssociatedAssoci a ted V RF n ame ( i f any). el se , "Non e" .


The Area tab displays three areas: Area, Stub Area and Area Range.


OSPF Area IDUnique identifier of the area.
Auth Type��The authentication type specified for an area. Additional authentication types may be
assig ne d l o cal ly o n a pe r A r ea b as is.