Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 10 Interface Performance
SRP Side Performance
Lo w Priority Multicast Displays the number of lo w priority multic ast octets recei ved from the physical
High Priority MulticastDisplays the number of high priority multicast octets received from the
physical l ayer.

Octets Out

Low Priority UnicastDisplays the number of low priority unicast octets going to the physical layer.
High Priority UnicastDisplays the number of high pr iority uni cast octet s going to the phys ical layer.
Lo w Priority Multicast Displays the number of low priority multicast octets going to the physical layer .
High Priority MulticastDisplays the number of high priority multicast octets going to the physical

Host Tab

The Host tab displays four areas: Packets In, Packets Out, Octets In and Octets Out

Packets I n

Low Priority UnicastDisplays the number of low priority unicast packets received from the higher
High Priority UnicastDisplay s the numbe r of high priori ty unicast pa ckets rec eived from the hi gher
Lo w Priority Multic astDisplays the number of lo w prior ity multicast packets rece iv ed from t he higher
High Priority MulticastDisplays the number of high priority multicast packets received from the
higher la ye r.

Packets Out

Low Priority UnicastDisplays the number of low priority unicast packets going to the higher layer.
High Priority UnicastDisplays the number of hi gh priorit y unicast packet s going to the higher layer.
Lo w Priority Multic astDisplays the number of lo w priority multicast packe ts going to the h igher layer.
High Priority MulticastDisplays t he nu mb er of h igh p ri ori ty m ult icas t pac kets go ing t o the hi gher

Octets In

Lo w Priority Unic astDisplays the number of low priority unicast octets recei ved from the higher layer .
High Priority UnicastDisplay s the numbe r of high priori ty unicast oc tets re ceived from the higher
Low Priority MulticastDisplays the number of low priority multicast octets received from the higher
High Prio rity Mu lticastDisp lays t he number of h igh priori ty multicast o ctets rec ei ve d from the higher