Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 10 Interface Performance
Generic Int erf ace Performance

Generic Interface Performance WindowDetailed Description

The In terface Perf ormanc e window contai ns three tabs: Perfor mance (1) , Perfo rmance (2) and
Performance (3).

Performance (1) Tab

The Performance (1) tab (see Figure 10-1) contains three areas: General Information, Packets/Octets
Statistics, and Performance Logging.

General In form ation

The General area contains the following fields:
ResetsNumber of times the interface is internally reset.
Note Transmitted/Received Bandwidth Utilization will not be calculated and displayed until after a
perform an ce lo ggi ng pol l (1 5 m inut es ), a nd on ly i f pe rf orma nc e lo ggin g i s act ive for the int erface .
T ransmitted Bandwid th UtilizationPerc entage of tran smitted band width utilization . The percenta ge is
calcul ated as pa ckets per secon d divided by the speed of inte rface, averaged ove r the pol ling peri od (if
perform an ce p oll ing is active).
Received Bandwidth Utilizatio nPercentage of received bandwidth utilization. The percentage is
calcul ated as pa ckets per secon d divided by the speed of inte rface, averaged ove r the pol ling peri od (if
perform an ce p oll ing is active).

Packets/Octets Statistics

The Packets/Octets Statistics area contains the following fields:
In OctetsTotal numbe r of packets re ceived on the interface, includ ing fram ing chara cter s.
Out OctetsTotal number of packets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.
In Bits/secFive-minute exponentially decayed moving average of input bits per second.
Out Bits/secFive-m inut e expon en tial ly d eca ye d m oving average o f o utpu t bi ts p er sec ond.
In Packets/secFive-min ute exponent ia lly de c ayed moving average of i nput p ackets per sec ond .
Out Packet s /s ec Five-minute expon en tial ly d eca yed m oving average o f outpu t pa ckets pe r seco nd.
In Unicast PacketsTotal num ber of packet s received by the layer which were not addressed as
multic ast or broadc ast.
Out Unicast PacketsTotal number of packets transmitted by the layer which were n ot addressed as
multic ast or broadc ast.
In Multicast PacketsTotal numb er of p ackets r ece ived by this la yer ad dresse d as multi cast
Out Multicast PacketsTotal number of packets transmitted by this layer addressed as multicast
In Broadcast PacketsTotal number of packets received by this layer which was broadcasted.
Out Broa dcast PacketsTotal numbe r of packets transm itted by this layer which was broadca sted.