Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 18 Fault Mana gem ent Cisco 12000/10720 Router Trap Support

Chassis Alarms

Table 18-2 provides information on traps that result in alarms raised against the chassis object.
Table 18-2 Monitored Attributes for a GRP Module
Trap Ala rm De scri ptio n Severi ty Clears
Cold start Cold Start: Agent reinitializing; configuration
may h ave change d. Major Cold star t
RPR+ Switchover RPR+ Cold Start: Agent reinitializing;
configurat ion may have changed Major RPR+ Switchover
RPR Switchover RPR Cold Start: Agent
reiniti alizing ;configurat ion may have changed Major RPR Switchover
Redund ancy Framework (RF)
Progression RF Notification: RF state has changed. Active
Unit: <slot-no> State: <RF-state>. Peer Unit:
<slot-no> State: <RF-state>
Major Red undan cy
Framework (RF)
Warm start Warm Start: Agent reinitializing; configuration
is unaltered. Major Warm start
Authentication Failure Authentication Failure Major Authentication
Voltage Normal Voltage higher Chassis, normal, <value> mV Normal Normal, Critical,
Shutdown, Wa rning,
Voltage Warning Voltage higher Chassis, warning, <value> mV Warning Critical, Shutdown,
Wa rnin g, N otP rese nt
Voltage Critical Voltage higher Chassis, critical, <value> mV Critical Critical, Shutdown,
Wa rnin g, N otP rese nt
Voltage Shutdown Voltage higher Chassis, shutdown, <value> mV Critical Critical, Shutdown,
Wa rnin g, N otP rese nt
Voltage Not Present Voltage higher Chassi s, notPresent, <v alue> mV Informa tional Critical, Shutdown ,
Wa rnin g, N otP rese nt
Temp eratur e Norm al Slot <no> : Switch Fabric Card Hot Sens or,
normal, <value> degree celsius Norm al Norm al, C r iti c al,
Shutdown, Wa rning,
Temperature Warning Slot <no>: Switch Fabric Card Hot Sensor,
warning, <value> degree cels ius Warning Critical, Shutdown,
Wa rnin g, N otP rese nt
Temperature Critical Slot <no>: Switch Fabric Card Hot Sensor,
critical, <value> degree celsius Critical Critical, Shutdown,
Wa rnin g, N otP rese nt
Temp eratur e Shutd own Slot <no> : Switch Fabric Card Hot Sens or,
shutdown, <value> degree ce lsiu s Critical Critical, Shutdown,
Wa rnin g, N otP rese nt
Temperature Not Present Slot <no>: Switch Fabric Card Hot Sensor,
notP rese nt, <value> d egree c el sius Informational Critical, Shutdown,
Wa rnin g, N otP rese nt