Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 21 Troub leshootin g and FAQs

Viewing ATM Physical Port Configurations?

How do I view the ATM physical port configurations? It looks like ATM Configuration GUIs are for
configurat ion s on l y.
To v iew what is c onfigured i n the ATM physi cal p ort, u se all the co nfigurat ion w indows pr ovide d
by the Ci sco 1200 0/107 20 Rout er M an ager. For IP (La ye r3) i nform a tion us e the IP Con figurat ion
Window. For Interfa ce Status: Use the Interfac e Configurati on window, et c.
Configurati on win dows are tec hnol ogy-sp eci fic. For exam ple , an ATM int erfa ce suppo rt s th re e
configurab le te chno lo gie s: G en eri c, ATM , and IP. Th er efor e, if you want to vi ew or m odi fy t h e
configurat ion of an AT M int erfac e yo u m i ght need t o view thre e w indows as fo llows:
Generic Interface Configuration w indow
ATM Interface Configuration window
IP Inte rface Configur ation w indow
8017824a.html for more details.