Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 15 MPLS Management
Fault Management for MPLS LDP
Label Ra ng e Min VC IThe minimu m VCI num ber configure d for this range.
Label Ra ng e Max V PIT he m ax imu m V PI num be r co nfigur ed fo r th is ran ge.
Label Ra ng e Max V CIThe maximum VCI number configured for this range.
Storage TypeThe storage type for this entry.

MPLS LDP Hello Adjacencies

The LDP ope rations begi n with a discovery (Hell o) proce ss during whi ch an LDP en tity (a loca l LSR)
finds a cooperat ing LDP pee r in the net work and negotiate s basic opera ting pro cedure s between t hem.
The recognition and identification of a peer by means of this discovery process results in an Hello
adjacency, which represents the context within which label binding information is exchanged between
the local LSR and its LDP peer. The MPLS LDP Hello Adjacencies window d isplays a table of hello
adjacencies of the LSR. This window is a read-only window.
The MPLS LDP Hello Adjacencies section covers the following:
Viewing the MPLS LDP Hello Adjacencies Window
MPLS LDP Hello Adjacencies WindowDetailed Description

Viewing the MPLS LDP Hello Adjacencies Window

To view the MPL S L DP H e llo A dja ce nci es w indow, pr ocee d as follows:
Step 1 Right clic k on an appropr iate obj ect and choo se Cisco 12 000/1 072 0 M anag er> Fault> Ch assis>
MPLS> MPLS LDP Hello A djacencies. See Table 15-1 on page 15-3 for information on which objects
allow you to launch the MPLS LDP Hello Adjacencies window. The MPLS LDP Hello Adjacencies
window appear s, with the He llo Adjace ncies tab displayed.