Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 14 Routing BGP Address-Family Synchronization
StateSpecifies the state of the nei ghbor router tha t can be one of I dle, Active, Estab lished, Opensent,
Connect or Openconfirm.
Negotiated VersionSpecifies the negotiated version of BGP runni ng between the two pee rs.
Remote ASSpe ci fies the neig hbo r rou ters a utono mou s sy stem nu mb er w hic h ca n be fr om 1-655 35.
Rece ived Upd at e Me s sag esT he n umb er o f B G P U pdat e me ssage s r ece ived on this co nne ction .
Transmitted Update MessagesThe number of BGP Update messages transmitted on this connection.
Total Received MessagesThe total number of messages received from the remote peer on this
connec tio n.
Total Tr ansmitted MessagesThe total number of messages transmitted to the remote peer on this
connec tio n.
Hold TimeThe Hold Timer established with the peer (in seconds).
Kee p Al ive Tim eThe KeepAlive timer established with the peer (in seconds).
Configured Hold TimeThe Hold Time configured for this BGP speaker with this peer (in seconds).
Configured KeepAlive TimeThe KeepAlive timer configured for this BGP speaker with this peer (in


The Redist ribution tab displays a si ngle area, BG P Redistribution Infor mation.

BGP Redistri bution Inf or mation

ProtocolSpec ifies the protocol to be redistributed into BGP. Valid Protocol Nam es that can be
redistri buted are c onn ecte d, static , osp f, i sis , i grp , ei gr p, egp, rip , mob ile, od r, dvmrp.
Source ID Indicates the Process ID of th e redistributed protocol. A Positive Integer will indicate the
process id of the redist ributed protocol; a charac ter string will in dicate the ISO rou ting ar ea tag. In case
of prot ocol s like CO NNEC TED an d STATIC this att ribute c annot be con figured.
IS-IS Routing LevelSpec ifies the routing level of ISIS Protocol. The values for this field are: level-1,
level-2 or level-1-2 when protoco l is IS-IS.
Redistribution MetricSpecifies the metric used for redistributed routes.

BGP Address-Family Synchronizatio n

BGP, by default, carries the routing information only for IPv4 unicast addresses. Address family is used
to enabl e B GP to c arry the routin g in for mat ion f or mul tiple ad dre ss types ( ipv4 mu ltic ast, ipv4
unicast,i pv4 vrf ,vp nv4 unicast ). BGP Add ress Family sy nch roni zation i s provide d to synchr oniz e BGP
Address Families configured on the device with the EM. When the synchronization process is initiated
for the first time on the chassis, the address families in the device are uploaded to the EM. For the
subsequent sync hronizations, onl y the ne w address familie s configured on the d evice are uploaded to the
EM and the address families that are r emoved from the device are deleted from the EM.