Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Management for MPLS LDP
DefaultControl VCIThe defau lt VCI val ue for a non-MPLS connec tion. The def ault v alue of this is 3 2
but other values may be co nfigured. This obje ct allows a differen t value to be configured.
Unlab Traffic VPIVPI value of the VCC supporting unlabeled traffic. This non-MPLS connection is
used to carry unlabeled (IP) packets. The default value is the same as the default value of the
DefaultC ontro l Vpi , however anot her value m ay be c on figured.
Unlab Traf fic VCIVCI value of the VCC supporting unlabelled traffic. This non-MPLS connection is
used to carry unlabelled (IP) packets. The default value is the same as the default value of the
Defaul tCont ro lVci , however ano ther value m a y b e co nfigured .
Storage TypeThe storage type for this entry.

ATM Label Range Tab

Configured AT M label rang e para me ter s are displ aye d in the ATM Labe l Ra ng e tab (se e Figure 15-13)
for LDP entities that use ATM as their underlying tech nology.
The ATM Label Range tab displays a single ATM Label Range area.
Figure 15-13 MPLS LDP Entity Status WindowATM Label Range Tab
ATM Label Range
The table displays the following information:
Loca l L D P Id Displays the LDP identifier.
IndexThi s index is used as a se condary index to unique ly iden tify th is row.
Label Ra ng e Min VP IThe m ini mu m VPI nu mb er configu red f or thi s range .