Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS
Access List Conf iguration

IP Extended Tab

The IP Extended tab displays a single IP Extended area. The IP Extended area is further split into three
sub-areas: Dynamic List, Source, and Destination.
Figure 11-6 Access List Configuration WindowIP Extended Tab

IP Extended

The IP Extended area contains two fields:
Access Action Acti on to be taken if the co nditi ons ar e m atc hed. Possi ble act io ns are d eny and permit.
Protocol NameName or num ber of an I P pr otoc ol. Valid pro toco l nu mber values a re 0 t o 255 . Valid
protoc ol n ames ar e a s f ollows:
Table 11-2 Valid Protocol Names
Valid Protocol Na mes
ahp ipinip
eigrp nos
gre ospf
icmp pcp
igmp pim
igrp tcp
ip udp