Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide

Interface Profiles

This c hapt er d escri bes how to c rea te in terfa ce p rofiles usi ng t h e Ci sco 12000 / 10720 Rout er Man ager
applica tion. Cisc o 12000/10 720 Route r Manager al lows you to creat e and appl y profiles to interfac es
(see Figure 7-1).
Figure 7-1 Interface Profiles Workflow
Profiles allow you to apply a set of existing parameters to a number of similar type objects, elimi nating
the need to enter the same data numerous times. Once you have created a profile, you can apply that same
profile to a nu mbe r of i nte rface s, as appl ic ab le. Thi s saves you fr om having to ent er t h e sam e
configuration information each time for the same type of objects.
Tip Whe n you cho ose a profile name, i t is recomme nded to use a naming co nven tion that
describe s the p rofile type . For exampl e, an ATM profile mi gh t be ca lled ATM1, a PO S
profile might be call ed PO S2, a nd an HSR P pr ofile co uld be HSRP1.
Create Interface
Create interface profile(s) when required.
Profiles allow you to apply a set of existing
parameters to a number of similar type objects.
Apply the Profile
Apply profiles to the appropriate interface
via the Interface Configuration window.
Configure the
Configure the remaining parameters
and save the interface configuration.
Commission the
Open the Generic Interface Configuration
window and configure the parameters
as required. Commission the interface.
Profile A
Profile B