Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
About This Guide


Conventions are presented in the following sections:
Command Co nventions
Exam ple C o nventio n s
Document Conventi ons

Command Co nventions

Commands use these conventions:

Example Conventions

Exam ples use thes e co nventio ns:
Table 2 Command Conventions
Format Description Example
Boldface font Comm ands, keywords, a nd u ser ent rie s in text /usr/bin
Italic font Arguments for which users supply va lues CEMF_ROOT
Square brackets ([ ]) Optio nal keywords or arguments [ ? ]
Brace s ({ }) Alte rnative but requ ired keywords {yes | no}
Vertical bar (|) Separato r between alter nati ve b ut requir ed ke yw ords {yes | no}
Angl e br ac kets ( <>) Non-p rint ing use r en tri es (s uch a s p ass words) <rootpa ssword>
Table 3 Example Conventions
Format Description Example
Plain screen font Onscr een displa ys, example s, and scr ipts C12ooo/C10700 EM
Bold screen font User entries in examples and scripts ./cemf i ns ta ll
Italic screen font User entry variables remote-host
Squa re b ra ckets ([ ]) D e fault re spon ses [tftp idle]