Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 18 Fault Management
Cisco 12 000/10720 Router Trap Support
propagation. The interface alarm would be propagated up the hierarchy to site level. This means that
whatever level you are working at, you will see that an alarm has occurred. You can follow the path to
discover where the alarm exists.
Note Cisc o 12000/107 20 Router M anager is complime nted by the Event Ma nager ap plicat ion. Among ot her
featu res, the E vent M anager e nables you to set thr esholds for c ertain system parameters and to monitor
any suppo rted C isco 12000/ 1 0720 Rout er M ana ge r MI B variab les. Refe r to t he Cisco Element
Management Framework U ser G uide for further information.

Viewing Alarms

Alarms can be viewed using the Event Browser application that is part of the Cisco EMF.
Event Browser can be launched in two ways:
Click the Events icon in the Launchpad to launch the Event Bro wser application. The Ev ent Browser
window appears.
Event Browser allows you to view all alarms on all objects. The Query Editor window appears
automatically when you launch the Event Browser application. The Query Editor allows you to set
up a qu er y (or filter) t hat al lows you to filter a ll t he al arms available and di spla y onl y the al arms
match ing the qu er y cri te ria yo u s ele cte d.
When the event browser is launched against an object, by default, all the alarms against that object
and its descendents are displayed in the event browser. For e.g., if the event browser is launched
against a chassis, then by default it displays all the alarms against the chassis and the module and
interfaces objects available in that chassis. Refer to the Cisco Elem en t Man agement Framework
User Guide for furthe r detail s on using t he Event Browser.
To view a specific alarm on one object, open the Map Viewer application (Viewer), right-click the
object that generate d the alarm, then choose Tools>Open Event Browser . The selected object alarm
and it s ch i ld ob jec ts a lar ms are di spla yed. You c an op en t he Q u ery E di tor fr om t he E vent B rowser
window to modify your criteria to include only the selected object. Refer to the Cisco Element
Management Framework U ser G uide for detailed information on using the Query Editor.
Note The maximum nu mber of cleare d ala rms st ored ag ainst an objec t is 300. When thi s v alu e is reach ed, the
cleared alarms are deleted until there are only 150 alarms left against the object.

Cisco 12000/10720 Router Tra p Support

When a fau lt o ccur s on a m an aged obje ct in t he ne twor k, C isco 1200 0/10 720 Route r Ma nage r rec eives
immediate notification, through a trap that is sen t thro ugh the n etwor k. This tr ap manif ests itsel f as an
alarm in Cisc o 1 200 0/107 20 Rout er Man ag er. A trap of a ny of t he a bove cat egory ca n be o ne of five
severity types: